Book Review – Star Wars: Bloodline by Claudia Gray

Star Wars: Bloodline takes place 6 years before Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. The fragile peace that has existed almost a quarter century after the fall of the Empire is in danger after Mon Mothma has left the Senate of the New Republic. Two political factions, the Populists and the Centrists, vie for power and have brought the government to a standstill. As a solution to years of inaction, it is proposed that a “First Senator” be elected with powers to help break the stalemate.

Leia Organa serves as a Senator of the New Republic. She lives apart from her husband, Han Solo, who manages a team in a famous racing competition. Their son, Ben Solo, has left home to train with Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. The continued separation from both her husband and son has created enormous strain on their family relationship and caused Leia to question her loyalties to the Senate. Because of her years of experience in the Senate and her history as a hero of the Rebellion, Leia is nominated by the Populists as a candidate for First Senator.

Leia befriends a young Centrist Senator named Ransolm Casterfo. They are tasked by the Senate to investigate allegations of an illegal cartel operating beyond the law of the New Republic. This leads them on an adventure across the galaxy with an exciting conclusion that has significant repercussions. The reader is given insight into the beginnings of the fall of the New Republic, the rise of the First Order, the resurrection of the Rebellion, the seclusion of Luke Skywalker, and the fate of Ben Solo.

The novels title, Bloodline, refers to the revelation that Leia and Luke are the children of Anakin Skywalker, and therefore Darth Vader. While this is in no way a revelation to even the casual Star Wars fan, we are left with the knowledge that this has been kept a secret from everyone in the Star Wars galaxy except Leia, Han, and Luke. The way this revelation and its consequences play out is engaging and gives a different insight into the Star Wars galaxy after Return of the Jedi.

Star Wars: Bloodline is highly recommended for the Star Wars fan.  As a companion piece to The Force Awakens, Bloodline fills in key plot elements and provides a compelling backstory for both Leia and Han. Some brief insight is given into Luke’s voluntary seclusion, his personal mission to search for ancient Jedi Temples, and the relationship between him and Ben Solo. New characters like Ransolm Casterfo and Greer Sonnel are introduced with compelling backstories that give weight to their actions at the conclusion of the novel. However, other new characters like Korr Sella and Joph Seastriker are less completely realized. Joph Seastriker is very derivative of Luke Skywalker; he is young, idealistic, a great pilot, awkward with women, and seeks adventure. Joph Seastriker is Luke Skywalker in all but name and even that is eerily similar.  These minor issues in no way detract from the novel as a whole.  Claudia Gray has done a wonderful job creating a story that most Star Wars fans will enjoy.

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